Learn About Birth Control

Birth control patch

Xulane patch
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Basic Info & FAQs

The patch is a thin, beige piece of plastic that looks like a square Band-Aid. It’s a little less than two inches across, and comes in one—and only one—color. (Beige.) You stick the patch on your skin and it gives off hormones that prevent your ovaries from releasing eggs. The hormones also thicken your cervical mucus, which helps to block sperm from getting to the egg in the first place. The brand name Ortho Evra isn’t being produced anymore so if you use the patch, ask for the generic, Xulane.

Less effort than the pill

If you’re the kind of person who would have trouble remembering to take a pill every day, the patch might be a good option. You only need to remember to do something once a week. And we can help you with that.

You weigh less than 198 pounds

We don’t know for sure, but the patch may be less effective if you weigh more than 198 pounds. (Random number, right?) So take that into consideration.

You want predictable periods

If you feel comforted by getting your period every month—and not having random spotting in between—this could be a good choice for you.

Smokers over 35, beware

If you’re over 35, smoking on the patch increases your risk of certain side effects. And if you’re younger, why not quit now and save yourself the trouble in the future?

The pregnancy question

You’ll be able to get pregnant right after going off the patch. So don’t take any chances. If you’re not ready for a baby, protect yourself with another method.

What does it cost?

Thanks to the Affordable Care Act, if you have health insurance, chances are good that you’ll be able to get this method with no out-of-pocket cost. 


  • With Medicaid: Free
  • With insurance: Free under most plans
  • Without insurance: The full price of the patch can range from $30 - $44. Depending on your income, you may be able to go to a low-cost clinic to get the patch at reduced cost.
  • Payment assistance: Ask you provider for extra samples, or contact the Partnership for Prescription Assistance at 1-888-4-PPA-NOW (1-888-477-2669) or www.pparx.org or http://www.janssenprescriptionassistance.com at 1-866-317-2775. And make sure to check with your local family planning clinics to find out if they offer free or low-cost patches (many do).

How do I use it?

The patch is simple to use. The only tricky part is remembering the schedule for putting the patch on and taking it off—and we can help you with that.

You can put the patch on your butt, stomach, upper outer arm, or upper torso—never on your boobs, though. Just stick a single, new patch on once a week for three weeks in a row, then go patchless (no patch) for the fourth week.

For example, let’s say it’s Tuesday and you put on a new patch. Tuesday becomes your “patch change day.” In other words, patches will always go on (or off) on Tuesdays.

You’ll probably get your period during the patchless week, and you may still be bleeding when it’s time to put the patch back on. That’s totally normal. Put it on anyway.

Check out these tips and tricks to make the whole thing easier.

Tip 1

If you start the patch within the first 5 days of your period, you’re protected from pregnancy right away. If you start later, you’ll have to wait 7 days before you’re protected, and you’ll need to use a backup method.

Tip 2

Think carefully about where you want to stick the patch—it’ll be there for a full week. Like, what will you be wearing? How squishy is your flesh in each spot? (If you’ve got a bit of a tummy that makes folds, for example, the stomach may not be the spot for you.)

Tip 3

Only peel off half of the clear plastic at first, so you’ll have a non-sticky side to hold on to.

Tip 4

Don’t touch the sticky part of the patch with your fingers. It’s a beeyotch to unstick.

Tip 5

Press the patch down for a full 10 seconds to get a good, firm stick.

Tip 6

Don’t use body lotion, oil, powder, creamy soaps (like Dove or Caress) or makeup on the spot where you put your patch. Stuff like that can keep the patch from sticking.

Tip 7

Check your patch every day to make sure it’s sticking right.

Tip 8

Fuzz happens. You’ll probably get a bit of lint build-up around the edges, so plan accordingly. You can use baby oil to get any remaining adhesive off your skin.

Tip 9

When you take a patch off, fold it in half before you throw it in the trash. That’ll help keep hormones out the soil. And don’t flush ‘em! The earth will thank you.

The good & the bad

The Positive

Positive “side effects”? You bet. There are actually lots of things about birth control that are good for your body as well as your sex life.

  • Easy to use—it’s like sticking on a Band Aid
  • Doesn’t interrupt the heat of the moment
  • Might give you more regular, lighter periods
  • May clear up acne
  • Can reduce menstrual cramps and PMS
  • Offers protection against some nasty health problems, like endometrial and ovarian cancer, iron deficiency anemia, ovarian cysts, and pelvic inflammatory disease

The Negative

Everyone worries about negative side effects, but for most women, they’re not a problem. Remember, you’re introducing hormones into your body, so it can take a few months to adjust. Give it time.

Things that will probably go away after two or three months:

  • Bleeding in between periods
  • Breast tenderness
  • Nausea and vomiting

Things that may last longer:

  • Irritation where the patch sits on your skin
  • A change in your sex drive

If you still feel uncomfortable after three months, switch methods and stay protected. You’re worth it.

*For a very small number of women there are risks of serious side effects.

Xulane patch